
Packaging POTD

So in the world of graphic design, presentation is everything. I'm working on the presentation of my packaging. I don't necessarily want every package to be the same, but they do need to be similar. I like making them by hand, for now. I'm practicing my carving skills, which brings back memories of junior high, I believe, when we learned how to carve a stamp in art class. I here is my first attempt to carve my logo to stamp onto what ever needs to be packaged. It is a little scruffy. But there will be more to come. The S actually comes out pretty well on paper, it is the tiny lines on the H that are little boogers to carve.


Anonymous said...

so where's the after photo? the shot of what the stamp looks like on paper?

brandi p said...

GIRL! you've been busy... I LOVE IT!

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