This past weekend was full of excitement. I came into town (MW/DFW) because a good old friend of mine was getting married in Dallas at the Aldredge House. Two gorgeous people and a beautiful wedding. My sister went with me. They had a photo booth set up that printed the images for you to take home, as well as, saved a digital file for the bride and groom. Of course we had fun with that. The last two times I have been with my sister, we have found ourselves in a photo booth... Humm. I think she will hate that I posted this one.

Yeah Shaun and Abby. I am really happy for you both!
The rest of my weekend was a little Crazy. I went to the Crazy Water Festival and the Crazy Water Pavilion before the wedding on Saturday. I drove to DFW and back twice. I got some good play time in with my niece and I had a little break down before I could get home. My driver side window fell inside the down. With a little duct tape (really), I made it home without any major problems..

GPS at night. This is kind of what my weekend was like.

I want this water pitcher and tall glasses!

cutest little girl ever.

I got stuck behind this thing on the way home. I tried getting around it. And I almost did, but the truck here in front of me stopped to get a good look at it before the light turned red. There I was again, at the end of the long train of cars trying to go around it. Set me back an hour.

I took off down some random road and came across this guy, out in the middle of no where, looking a bit like I felt at this point. I just wanted to get home.
All in all it was a great weekend. I got to see a friend I have not seen in a long time. I am hoping she will come see us in Austin sometime soon!